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Wei Yingwu: Send to Li Zhan and Yuan Xi

Send to Li Zhan and Yuan Xi

寄 李 詹 元 锡
去 年 花 里 逢 君 别
今 日 花 开 又 一 年。
世 事 茫 茫 难 自 料
春 愁 黯 黯 独 成 眠。
身 多 疾 病 思 田 里
邑 有 流 亡 愧 俸 钱。
闻 道 欲 来 相 问 讯
西 楼 望 月 几 回 圆。
Ji Li Zhan Yuan Xi

Qu nian hua li feng jun bie
Jin ri hua kai you yi nian.
Shi shi mang nan zi liao
Chun chou an an du cheng mian.

Shen duo ji bing si tian li
Yi you liu wang kui feng qian.
Wen dao yu lai xiang wen xun
Xi lou wang yue ji hui yuan.


Send to Li Zhan and Yuan Xi

Last year during flower time, met you and then departed
Today these same blossoms open again after one year.
Society’s troubles boundless and vast, cannot make plans or expectations
Spring worries, things so dim and obscured, taking naps all alone.

Life full of so much disease and pain, long for the open fields
Urban salaried workers go into exile with shame.
Heard about your desire and questions about meeting together again
From the western towers gaze into the distance, how many more moon cycles do I wait?

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