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Wei Yingwu: Send This to Buddhist Monk Heng Can

Send This to Buddhist Monk Heng Can


寄 恒 璨
心 绝 去 来 缘
迹 顺 人 间 事。                                                                                                        独 寻 秋 草 径
夜 宿 寒 山 寺。                                                                                                    今 日 郡 斋 闲
思 问 愣 伽 字。
Ji Heng Can

Xin jue qu lai yuan
Ji shun ren jian shi.                                                                                                                     Du xun qiu cao jing
Ye su han shan si.                                                                                                                        Jin ri jun zhai xian
Si wen leng qie zi.

Send This to Buddhist Monk Heng Can

Heart broken, tired of the coming and goings of samsara
Good luck in this life an indication of serving others in a previous life.    Alone I seek out the footpath of autumn grasses
To a mountain monastery in the cold, and under the night time constellations.                                                                                                                        Today spent in idleness, abstaining from meat
Thinking of questions from the writings of the Lankavatara Sutra..


Samara: Sanskrit word meaning cycles of wandering; birth-rebirth cycle of reincarnation. comes from the Upanishads

Lankavatara Sutra: major text of Mahayana Buddhism and the Chan (Zen) school. Teachings recorded  between the Buddha and the bodhisattva Mahamati.

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