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Wei Yingwu: Luoyang Composition: Second Year of the Reign of Tang Daizong

Luoyang Composition: Second Year of the Reign of Tang Daizong


广 德 中 洛 阳 作
生 长 太 平 日
不 知 太 平 欢。
今 还 洛 阳 中
感 此 方 苦 酸 。
饮 药 本 攻 病
毒 肠 翻 自 残。
王 师 涉 河 洛
玉 石 俱 不 完。
时 节 迁 斥
山 河 长 郁 盘。
萧 条 孤 烟 绝
日 入 空 城 寒 。
蹇 劣 乏 高 步
缉 遗 守 微 官。
西 怀 咸 阳 道
踯 躅 心 不 安 。
Guang De Zhong Luo Yang Zuo

Sheng chang tai ping ri
Bu zhi tai ping huan.
Jin huan luo yang zhong
Gan ci fang ku suan.

Yin yao ben gong bing
Du chang fan zi can.
Wang shi she he luo
Yu shi ju bu wan.

Shi jie lu qian chi
Shan he chang yu pan.
Xiao tiao gu yan jue
Ri ru kong cheng han.

Jian lie fa gao bu
Ji yi shou wei guan.
Xi huai xian yang dao
Zhi zhu xin bu an.

Luoyang Composition: Second Year of the Reign of Daizong

I grew up during peaceful and tranquil times
Did not realize or appreciate the calm and joy.
Today I have returned to Luoyang
Now realize sour tears of bitterness have replaced the former days.

We all drink native medicine to attack an illness
But this medicine has turned into poison which is even worse.
Our new allies crossed over the Luo River
Again the capital was sacked, jade and stone broken up.

Seat of government moved frequently to another location
Empire’s mountains and rivers twisted from changing rulers again and again.
Desolate and bleak, exhausted solitary fires
Everyday enter the cold and empty city.

My crippled and inferior feet weary from the tall steps
My little job is to watch over these people.
Think fondly of the road west back to Chang’an
Pace back and forth, heart-mind not at peace.



Daizong: Tang Dynasty emperor (r. 762-779)

Luoyang: Second, and eastern, of two capitals during the Tang Dynasty.

Chang’an: First, and western, of two capital cities during the Tang Dynasty.

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