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Wei Yingwu: Finished Writing Near Sunset, Send Off Lizhou in the Rain

Finished Writing Near Sunset, Send Off Lizhou in the Rain

赋 得 暮 雨 送 李 胄
楚 江 微 雨 里
建 业 暮 钟 时。
漠 漠 帆 来 重
冥 冥 鸟 去 迟。
海 门 深 不 见
浦 树 远 含 滋。
相 送 情 无 限
沾 襟 比 散 丝。
Fu De Mu Yu Song Li Zhou

Chu jiang wei yu li
Jian ye mu zhong shi.
Mo mo fan lai zhong
Ming ming niao qu chi.

Hai men shen bu jian
Pu shu yuan han zi.
Xiang song qing wu xian
Zhan jin bi san si.


Finished Writing Near Sunset, Send Off Lizhou in the Rain

Chu River inside a light rainfall
Jianye at sunset, the time of day for bell sounds.
Many sailboats arrive through the fog and mist
Far away, birds flying into the darkness.

Barely seen, the ocean’s delta
Remote river mouth trees contain moisture.
Send each other off, limitless emotions
Tears fall like rain onto the front of our shirts.



Chu River: Located in the provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu.

Jianye: Ancient name for the current city of Nanjing.

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