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Wang Wei: Young Man’s Life Journey: Four Poems: No. 2

Young Man’s Life Journey: Four Poems: No. 2

少 年 行: 四 首
出 身 仕 汉 羽 林 郎
初 随 骠 骑 战 渔 阳。
孰 知 不 向 边 庭 苦
纵 死 犹 闻 侠 骨 香。
Shao Nian Xing: Si Shou


Chu shen shi han yu lin lang
Chu sui biao qi zhan yu yang.
Shu zhi bu xiang bian ting ku
Zong si you wen xia gu xiang.


Young Man’s Life Journey: Four Poems: No. 2


Family background necessary for appointment as a palace guard
At first they follow a cavalry general into battle at Yuyang.
Very aware of being far away, and the suffering that goes with fighting outside
But there would be honor to those dying this way.



Yuyang: A city near present day Tianjin.


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