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Wang Wei: Remember the Double Ninth Festival and My Cousins East of the Mountains

Remember the Double Ninth Festival and My Cousins East of the Mountains

九 月 九 日 忆 山 东 兄 弟
独 在 异 乡 为 异 客
每 逢 佳 节 倍 思 亲。                                                                                          遥 知 兄 弟 登 高 处
遍 插 茱 萸 少 一人。
Jiu Yue Jiu Ri Yi Shan Dong Xiong Di

Du zai yi xiang wei yi ke
Mei feng jia jie bei si qin.                                                                                                       Yao zhi xiong di deng gao chu
Bian cha zhu yu shao yi ren.


Remember the Double Ninth Festival and My Cousins East of the Mountains

Alone outside my hometown, here I am a visitor
Everywhere encounter this wonderful festival, making me think twice as much about my relatives.                                                                                                From afar know that my cousins are climbing up into high mountain places
To insert the zhu yu branches without me.


Double Ninth Festival: It is also known as the Chrysanthemum Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival.  A time to drink chrysanthemum tea and wear the branches of the zhu yu.

Zhu yu: It is also known as the cornel dogwood.

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