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Wang Wei: Palace Footpaths Lined With Scholar Trees

Palace Footpaths Lined With Scholar Trees

宫 槐 陌
仄 徑 蔭 宫 槐
幽 陰 多 绿 苔。
赝 门 但 迎 埽
畏 有 山 儈 来。
Gong Huai Mo

Ze jing yin gong huai
You yin duo lu tai.                                                                                                                    Yan men dan ying sao
Wei you shan kuai lai.


Palace Footpaths Lined With Scholar Trees

Narrow and shaded palace footpaths lined with scholar trees
The secluded shade with many green mosses.

Facade-like doors still awaiting to be swept
Fearful of having sinister mountain go-betweens arrive.



Scholar trees: The scientific name is “Sophora Japonica”. They are native to China and Korea. Known for their yellowish-white flowers.

Go-betweens: People who specialize in finding possible marriage matches for young people in the community.

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