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Wang Wei: Floating On the Pond Out Front

Floating on the Pond Out Front


泛 前 陂
秋 空 自 明 迥
况 复 远 人 闻。
畅 以 沙 际 鹤
兼 之 云 外 山。
澄 波 澹 将 夕
清 月 皓 方 闲。
此 夜 任 孤 棹
夷 犹 殊 未 还。
Fan Qian Bei

Qiu kong zi ming jiong
Kuang fu yuan ren jian
Chang yi sha ji he
Jian zhi yun wai shan

Cheng bo dan jiang xi
Qing yue hao fang xian
Ci ye ren gu zhao
Yi yu shu wei huan.

Floating on the Pond Out Front

Autumn sky naturally bright and distant
It too is far away from the human world.
Smooth sand in between the cranes
Like these clouds around the mountains.

Transparent waves in motion excites sunset light
Clear moon lucidity facilitates idleness.
This night I take up a solitary oar
Vacillating mind between beauty and going back.



The smooth sand between the cranes is typical of an accomplished painter of Wang Wei’s abilities and sensitivities to notice the negative space, kongbai(空白) between the cranes. So often the ancient Chinese landscape paintings (mountains and rivers) have the kongbai of white clouds hovering in and around the mountains.  This time it is the white sand along the riverbanks.

The word “leisure” or “idleness” is often used throughout ancient Chinese poetry.  They are metaphors for the state of mind conducive of creative activities and for the enjoyment of the present moment.

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