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To Zhang, Climbing Orchid Mountain on an Autumn Day -Meng Haoran (孟浩然)

To Zhang, Climbing Orchid Mountain on an Autumn Day
Meng Haoran

孟浩然 〔唐代〕

相望试登高,心随雁飞灭。(试 一作 始)
时见归村人,沙行渡头歇。(沙行 一作:沙平)
天边树若荠,江畔洲如月。(洲 一作:舟)

North mountain white cloud in
Hermit self happy please
Mutual see try climb high
Heart like goose fly fade
Sorrow reason dusk increase
Desire be clear autumn cause
Now see return villagers
Sand walk crossing edge rest
Heaven edge tree like grass
River bank islet like moon
When bring wine bring
Together drunk near Yang festival
The northern mountain is hidden in white cloud,
A happy place for hermits to retire.
So we can meet, I try to climb the heights,
My heart is fading like a goose in flight.
My sorrow’s prompted by the creeping dusk,
But then clear autumn spurs on my desires.
At length we see the villagers return,
They walk the sand and rest at the river crossing.
The trees against the sky are like shepherd’s purse,
An islet by the shore just like the moon.
I hope you have some wine to celebrate,
We’ll spend the autumn festival drunk together.
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