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To My Old Friend in Yangzhou From a Boat Moored at Night on the Tonglu River -Meng Haoran (孟浩然)

To My Old Friend in Yangzhou From a Boat Moored at Night on the Tonglu River
Meng Haoran

孟浩然 〔唐代〕


Mountain dark hear ape sorrow
Dark blue river swift night flow
Wind cry both banks leaves
Moon shine one solitary boat
Jiande not my land
Still Yang recall old friend
Also be two line tears
Far send sea west edge
I hear the mourning apes on darkened hills,
The dark blue river flows swiftly through the night.
On each bank, leaves are rustled by the wind,
The moon illuminates my lonely boat.
This place, Jiande, is not my native land,
I still recall my old friend in Yangzhou.
Again two tears trace two lines down my face,
I’d send them to the ocean’s western coast.
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