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Su Dongpo: Give This Poem at My Departure, to Honor the Sacred Springhead and Artesian Well

Give This Poem at My Departure, to Honor the Sacred Springhead and Artesian Well

留 别 雩 泉
举 酒 属 雩 泉
白 发 日 夜 新。
何 时 泉 中 天
复 照 泉 上 人。
二 年 饮 泉 水
鱼 鸟 亦 相 亲。
还 将 弄 泉 手
遮 日 向 西 秦。
Liu Bie Yu Quan

Ju jiu shu yu quan
Bai fa ri ye xin.
He shi quan zhong tian
Fu zhao quan shang ren.

Er nian yin quan shui
Yu niao yi xiang qin.
Huan jiang nong quan shou
Zhe ri xiang xi qin.


Give This Poem at My Departure, To Honor the Sacred Springhead and Artesian Well

A wine toast to this place of artesian water
With every night and day my hair gets whiter.
When can the water deepen to reflect the sky
Every time people can see their own reflections.

For two years I have drunk this spring water
Fish and birds together are my family.
Now it is time for me to move on to another community
My hands needed to shield the sun in western Qin.



Western Qin: Southwestern Province from 385-431.

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