Tao Yuanming: Drinking Wine No. 5
This first post of Learning Ancient Chinese Poetry (LAC Poetry) highlights a poem from the East Jin Dynasty (317-420 AD)...
This first post of Learning Ancient Chinese Poetry (LAC Poetry) highlights a poem from the East Jin Dynasty (317-420 AD)...
Tao Yuanming: His Times The Jin Dynasty was established by emperor Sima Yan in 265. That year saw the nation state of We...
Tao Yuanming’s Life: Assembling a chronology of Tao Yuanming’s life events and the appearance of his poetry is problemat...
Notes and Commentary on Translating The following pearls of wisdom about the translation process comes from the well-kno...
Tao Yuanming: Body, Shadow, Spirit 形,影,神 (形 赠 影): 天 地 长 不 没 山 川 无 改 时。 草 木 得 常 理 霜 露 荣 粹 之。 谓 人 最 灵 智 独 复 不 如 兹。 适 见 在 世...
Most of our source books for the original poems have come from purchases in Mainland China. These books have the poems ...
Return to Live in Gardens and Fields: Five Poems: No. 5 其 五 怅 恨 独 策 还 崎 岖 历 榛 曲。 山 涧 清 且 浅 遇 以 濯 我 足。 漉 我 新 熟 酒 只 鸡 招 近 ...
Return to Live in Gardens and Fields: Five Poems: No.4 其 四 久 去 山 泽 游 浪 莽 林 野 娱。 试 携 子 侄 辈 披 榛 步 荒 墟。 徘 徊 丘 垄 间 依 依 昔 人 居...
Return to Live in Gardens and Fields: Five Poems: No.3 (3) 其 三 种 豆 南 山 下 草 盛 豆 苗 稀。 晨 兴 理 荒 秽 带 月 荷 锄 归。 道 狭 草 木 长 夕 露 沾...
Tao Yuanming: His Philosophy Zhuangzi: Tao Yuanming was significantly influenced by the ancient Daoist philosophe...