Sunset Du Fu 日暮 牛羊下来久 各己闭柴门 风月自清夜 江山非故园 石泉流暗壁 草露滴秋根 头白灯明里 何须花烬繁 rì mù niú yáng xià lái jiǔ gè jǐ bì chái mén fēng yuè zì...
Sunset Du Fu 日暮 牛羊下来久 各己闭柴门 风月自清夜 江山非故园 石泉流暗壁 草露滴秋根 头白灯明里 何须花烬繁 rì mù niú yáng xià lái jiǔ gè jǐ bì chái mén fēng yuè zì...
Autumn Meditations (1) Du Fu 秋兴八首 (一) 玉露凋伤枫树林 巫山巫峡气萧森 江间波浪兼天涌 塞上风云接地阴 丛菊两开他日泪 孤舟一系故园心 寒衣处处催刀尺 白帝城高急暮砧 qiū xìng bā shǒu (...
Today I’d like to make an introduction of Pavilion, one of the most amazing traditional architecture in China. A c...
Geographical Location: Jining, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Period: Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) Excavation period: Apr...
Geographical Location: Jining, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region Period: Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) Excavation period: Apr...
The Site and graveyard of the Bronze Age in north China Geographical Location: Aohan Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous R...
The Archaeological site of the capital of early Shang Dynasty (17th century-11th century BC) Location: Yanshi, Henan Pro...
The Site of the capital of early Shang Dynasty (17th century-11th century BC) Geographical Location: In Zhengzhou, Henan...
The Site of the Shang Dynasty (17th century – 11th century BC) Geographical Location: Qingjiang County, Jiangxi Pr...
This is the largest city ruins in west China. The site is located 40 kilometers from the Turpan City, at the north bank ...