Exemplarious translation of The Changes of the Zhou
Exemplarious translation: 周易下经 31.咸 泽山咸.兑上,艮下. 咸:亨,利贞.取女吉.〔卦辞〕 〈彖〉曰:咸,感也.柔上而刚下,二气感应以相与,止而说,男下女,是以「亨,利贞,取女吉」也.天地感而万物化生,圣人...
Exemplarious translation: 周易下经 31.咸 泽山咸.兑上,艮下. 咸:亨,利贞.取女吉.〔卦辞〕 〈彖〉曰:咸,感也.柔上而刚下,二气感应以相与,止而说,男下女,是以「亨,利贞,取女吉」也.天地感而万物化生,圣人...
Prelude to Water Melody 水调歌头·明月几时有 Su Shi 苏轼 How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. 明月几时有,...
DRINKING ALONE WITH THE MOON 月下独酌 Li Bai 李白 From a wine pot amidst the flowers, I drink alone without partners. 花间一壶酒, 独...
The Yijing, as it is received, consists of two parts, the classic Zhouli and a series of comments. The classic (the actu...
A fable is “a short story devised to convey some useful lesson, an apologue”. A distinctive feature of the f...
The writing of such stories began in the Wei and Jin Dynasties (220-420), when various writers, influenced by the alchem...
Scholars and critics have written about the special features of Chinese mythology. Among the most obvious are: Mythical ...
In style and art of writing, both early and later mythical stories are superb. Classical Chinese is extremely concise. A...
Shijing (The Book of Songs) is the earliest collection ofChinese poems including 305 poems of the Zhou Dynasty (1122-256...
Chinese Poetry Literature is conventionally divided into four classes: poetry, ci , ge or songs, fu. Poetry proper has t...