Shuihuzhuan 水浒传 The Water Margin
Attributed to Shi Naian 施耐庵 or Luo Guanzhong 罗贯中, this novel depicts the joining of heroes to a bandit group in the Lian...
Attributed to Shi Naian 施耐庵 or Luo Guanzhong 罗贯中, this novel depicts the joining of heroes to a bandit group in the Lian...
Examples of lyrics or songs from each of the four sections. The first song of the Shijing is probably the most famous an...
The Zhouyi 周易, also called Yijing 易經, or, shortly, Yi 易, is one of the most important Confucian classics. It has not onl...
1.天官冢宰 惟王建国,辨方正位,体国经野,设官分职,以为民民极。乃立天官冢宰,使帅 其属而掌邦治,以佐王均邦国。 治官之属:大宰,卿一人。小宰,中大夫二人。 宰夫,下大夫四人;上士八人,中士十有六人,旅下士三十有二人;府六人, 史十有二人...
The Zhouli 周礼 “Rites of the Zhou” is a decription of the putative organisation of the government during the ...
The following are selected from Shijing: GUAN! GUAN! CRY THE FISH HAWKS from Zhounan Guan! Guan! Cry the fish hawks on s...
WE PLUCK THE BRACKEN from Xiaoya We plucked the bracken, plucked the bracken While the young shoots were springing up. O...
Three Phases of Autumn Equinox In ancient China, people divide the Autumn Equinox period into three phases: The first ph...
The common people should follow the traditions and rules which made by gentlemen. In ancient Chinese culture, there was ...
The Zhongyong 中庸 “Doctrine of the mean” is a Confucian classic and part of the Four Books (Sishu 四书). It is ...