Introduction to the HSK
China’s Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, known as HSK or the Chinese Proficiency Test is a standardized test at the state le...
China’s Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, known as HSK or the Chinese Proficiency Test is a standardized test at the state le...
晏几道:木兰花 Yan Jidao: to the tune “Magnolia flowers” II 秋千院落重帘暮,彩笔闲来题绣户。 Double curtains fall in the swi...
The historiographic category (shibu 史部) is the second of the four categories (sibu 四部) in the traditional system of the ...
晏几道:木兰花 Yan Jidao (1040-1112): to the tune “Magnolia flowers” I 东风又作无情计,艳粉娇红吹满地。 Once again the eastw...
Peter from China Whisper has made his list of the Top 10 Coolest Novels about Modern China. Some of them have shaped pop...
The section of Confucian Classics (jingbu 经部) is the first of the four traditional categories (sibu 四部) into which Chine...
欧阳修:采桑子 Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072): to the tune “Plucking mulberry leafs” 群芳过后西湖好,狼藉残红, When the many sce...
The four categories (sibu 四部) is an old system of categorizing literature in China.In this encyclopedia I will follow th...
李煜:虞美人 Li Yu: to the tune “Lady Yu” (transl. Hans Frankel) 春花秋月何時了?往事知多少? Spring blossoms and autumn ...
Among the earliest and most influential poetic anthologies was the Chuci (Songs of Chu) , made up primarily of poems asc...