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Ouyang Xiu: Jade Tower in Spring (#22): All Over the World

Jade Tower in Spring (#22): All Over the World

玉 楼 春
酒 美 春 浓 花 世 界
得 意 人 人 千 万 态。
莫 教 辜 负 艳 阳 天
过 了 堆 金 何 处 买。
已 去 少 年 无 计 奈
且 愿 芳 心 长 恁 在。
闲 愁 一 点 上 心 来
算 得 东 风 吹 不 解。
Yu Lou Chun


Jiu mei chun nong hua shi jie
Dei yi ren ren qian wan tai.
Mo jiao gu fu yan yang tian
Guo liao dui jin he chu mai.

Yi qu shao nian wu ji nai
Qie yuan fang xin chang nen zai.
Xian chou yi dian shang xin lai
Suan de dong feng chui bu jie.


Jade Tower in Spring: (No. 22): All Over the World


All over the world, wine drinkers and pretty springtime thick flowers
Everything manifests thousands of forms and appearances.
No one abandons these bright and sunny days
Even with a stack of gold, one cannot buy them.

After the years of youth, cannot be enjoyed at the same intensity
For now, I hope my heart-mind can always appreciate.
One trace of my early mind-heart remains from illness and anxiety
Winter winds blow, does not separate me from my plans.

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