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Ouyang Xiu: Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1

Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1

蝶 恋 花
帘 幕 东 风 寒 料 峭。
雪 里 香 梅
先 报 春 来 早。
红 蜡 枝 头 双 燕 小。
金 刀 剪 彩 呈 纤 巧。
旋 暖 金 炉 薰 薰 藻。
酒 入 横 波
困 不 禁 烦 恼。
绣 被 吾 更 春 睡 好
罗 帏 不 觉 纱 窗 晓。


Die Lian Hua


Lian mu dong feng han liao qiao
Xue li xiang mei
Xian bao chun lai zao.
Hong la zhi tou shuang yan xiao.

Jin dao jian cai cheng xian qiao
Xuan nuan jin lu xun xun zao
Jiu ru heng bo
Kun bu jin fan nao
Xiu bei wu geng chun shui hao
Luo wei bu jue sha chuang xiao.


Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 1

Through the curtains, east wind cold and chilly
Snow inside the courtyard, fragrant plum blossoms
Spring tells me that it will arrive early.
Cut out a pair of small sparrows to sit upon the branches of my candlestick.

Golden scissors cut ribbons to reveal the delicate and exquisite
Quickly warm up the golden incense burner, a little smoky fragrance
as a literary adornment
Cast a glance at the poured wine
Then I do not have to endure worries or upset
Embroidered quilt, slept well from the early morning hours
Pull the curtains, didn’t realize daybreak had entered the gauze windows.

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