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Ouyang Xiu: Because of Her House

Because of Her House, Silent Inside All Day Long: (Resent Springtime Troubles)

    为 伊 家,终 日 闷: 怨 春 郎
为 伊 家,终 日 闷。
受 尽 栖 惶 谁 问。
不 知 不 觉 上 心 头
悄 一 霎 身 心 顿 也 没 外 顿。
恼 愁 肠,成 寸 寸。
已 恁 莫 把 人 萦 损。
奈 每 每 人 前 道 著 伊
空 把 相 思 泪 眼 知 衣 揾。
Wei Yi Jia, Zhong Ri Men: (Yuan Chun Lang)

Wei yi jia, zhong ri men
Shou jin xi huang shei wen.
Bu zhi bu jue shang xin tou
Qiao yi sha shen xin dun ye mei.

Nao chou chang, cheng cun cun.
Yi nen mo ba ren ying sun.
Nai mei mei ren qian dao zhu yi
Kong ba xiang si lei yan he yi wen.


Because of Her House, Silent Inside All Day Long: (Resent Springtime Troubles)

Because of her house, silent inside all day long
Did he not fear that her emotional state was too fragile?
Heart-mind was not aware of these new feelings
Heart-mind cannot but think of him, her life has no capacity to deal with him.

Her insides angry and worried for every inch after inch
Already she recognizes she is not in control, entwined with harm and injuries.
However, all the people around her frequently talk well of him
Not directing their relationship, thinking of each other
Leads to the gently wiping away of tears with her clothes.

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