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Meng Haoran: Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools

Meng Haoran: Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools

万 山 潭
垂 钓 坐 磐 石
水 清 心 益 闲。
鱼 行 潭 树 下
猿 挂 岛 藤 间。
游 女 昔 解 佩
传 闻 于 此 山。
求 之 不 可 得
沿 月 棹 歌 还。
Wan Shan Tan

Chui diao zuo pan shi
Shui qing xin yi xian
Yu xing tan shu xia
Yuan gua dao teng jian

You nu xi jie pei
Chuan wen yu ci shan
Qiu zhi bu ke de
Yan yue zhao ge hai

Wan Mountain: Deep River Pools

Sit on a comfortable boulder fishing
Clear water increases the idleness of an unoccupied mind
Below trees, fish travel around big deep pools
On one island, monkeys hang from vine to vine

It is said from an old story
From this place one can ascend into Heaven                                     Although I seek this lady, not able to obtain
Must be content with following the moon and the boatman’s song.


From an old story: a man from ancient times, Zhen Jiapu, stayed in the Wan Mountains. He met two ladies on his way down the mountain, they gave him some jade. After taking ten steps, he and one of the ladies ascend into Heaven as deities.

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