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Meng Haoran: Look For, Do Not Meet the Host at Ju Huantan

Look For, Don’t Meet the Host at Ju Huatan

寻 菊 花 潭 主 人 不 遇
行 至 菊 花 潭
村 西 日 已 斜。
主 人 登 高 去
鸡 犬 空 在 家。


Xun Ju Hua Tan Zhu Ren Bu Yu

Xing zhi ju hua tan
Cun xi ri yi xie.                                                                                                                           Zhu ren deng gao qu
Ji quan kong zai jia.


Look For, Yet Don’t Meet the Host at Ju Huatan

Travel as far as Ju Huatan
Already the sun slanting from the west.

The host having climbed a mountain, has yet to return
His chickens and dogs free to roam around his empty house.


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