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Lu Yu: Send Off Older Brother the Seventh, Going to Yangzhou Military Camp

Send Off Older Brother the Seventh, Going to a Yangzhou Military Camp

送 七 兄 赴 扬 州 帅 暮
初 报 边 烽 照 石 头
旋 闻 胡 马 集 瓜 州。
诸 公 谁 听 刍 荛 策?
吾 辈 空 怀 畎 亩 忧!
急 雪 打 窗 心 共 碎
危 楼 望 远 涕 俱 流。
岂 知 今 日 淮 南 路?
乱 絮 飞 花 送 客 舟。
Song Qi Xiong Fu Yang Zhou Shuai Mu

Chu bao bian feng zhao shi tou
Xuan wen hu ma ji gua zhou.
Zhu gong shei ting chu rao ce
Wu bei kong huai quan mu you!

Ji xue da tu xin gong sui
Wei lou wang yuan ti ju liu.
Qi zhi jin ri huai nan lu?
Luan xu fei hua song ke zhou.


Send Off Older Brother the Seventh, Going to a Yangzhou Military Camp

At first the reports from the beacon fires around Nanjing
Then suddenly heard that the nomad horses have assembled at the ferry crossing at Guazhou.
Military planners do not listen to the suggestions of the rank and file
Those of my rank can only be concerned with small farmland worries!

Sudden snowstorm hits my windows, heart-mind broken into pieces
Atop a tower, gaze into the remote distance as the tears begin to flow.
Who is aware today of the highways south of the Huai River
Snow flurries fly like blossoms, to send off the visiting boats.


Yangzhou:  City in Jiangsu Province that straddles the Grand Canal, on the northern bank of the Changjiang.

Nanjing: City in Jiangsu Province about 200 miles upstream from Shanghai.

Guazhou:  Ancient name for the city of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.

Huai River:  Major west to east river that lies between the Yellow River and the Changjiang.  General Cheng Mi is fighting back and forth across the Huai River.

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