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Li Yu: Seasons of Spring Flowers: (Deceive Beautiful People)

Seasons of Spring Flowers: (Deceive Beautiful People)

春 花 时:  虞 美 人
春 花 秋 月 何 时 了
往 事 知 多 少?
小 楼 昨 夜 又 东 风
故 国 不 堪 回
首 月 明 中。
雕 栏 玉 砌 应 犹 在
只 是 朱 颜 改。
问 君 能 有 几 多 愁
恰 似 一 江 春
水 向 东 流。
Yu Mei Ren

Chun hua qiu yue he shi liao
Wang shi zhi duo shao?
Xiao lou zuo ye you dong feng
Gu guo bu kan hui
Shou yue ming zhong.

Diao lan yu qi ying you zai
Zhi shi zhu yan gai.
Wen jun neng you ji duo chou
Qia si yi jiang chun
Shui xiang dong liu.


Seasons of Spring Flowers: (Deceive Beautiful People)

Seasons of spring flowers and autumn moon never end
How many past events have been known?
From my small room, last night winds from the east
Long national history not able to return, even with a bright moon.

Engraved railings of jade bricks still remain
But their colors and occupants have changed.
Ask myself how many sorrows I have
Like one springtime river that flows into the east.

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