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Li Yu: Memorial Altar, Put Our My Writings and Her Handkerchiefs

Memorial Altar, Put Out My Writings and Her Handkerchiefs

书 灵 筵 手 巾
浮 生 共 樵 悴
壮 岁 失 婵 娟。
汗 手 遗 香 渍
痕 眉 染 黛 烟。
Shu Ling Yan Shou Jin

Fu sheng gong qiao cui
Zhuang sui shi chan juan.
Han shou yi xiang zi
Hen mei ran dai yan.


Memorial Altar, Put Out My Writings and Her Handkerchiefs

This brief and illusory life, commonly ill and emaciated
During our robust years failed to achieve mature grace and loveliness.
Her handkerchiefs yet to lose her moisture and fragrances
Remnants of the dyed black traces of her eyebrow liner.

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