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Li Yu: Melancholy of Human Experiences: (Midnight Songs)

Melancholy of Human Experiences: (Midnight Songs)

人 生 愁: 子 夜 歌
人 生 愁 恨 何 能 免
锁 魂 独 我 情 何 限!
故 国 梦 重 归
觉 来 双 泪 垂。
高 楼 谁 与 上
长 记 秋 晴 望。
往 事 已 成 空
还 如 一 梦 中。
Ren Sheng Chou: (Zi Ye Ge)

Ren sheng chou hen he neng mian
Suo hun du wo qing he xian!
Gu guo meng chong gui
Jue lai shuang lei chui.

Gao lou shei yu shang
Chang ji qiu qing wang.
Wang shi yi cheng kong
Huan ru yi meng zhong.


Melancholy of Human Experiences: (Midnight Songs)

Melancholy of human experiences regretfully unable to avoid
These emotions so limitless, my solitary spirit locked in chains!
Dreams of former times return again and again
Consciousness arrives, pair of tears fall down.

Who wants to go with me here in tall towers
Gaze into the distance, recall when long periods of autumn were sunny.
Previous things have totally disappeared
Amid one dream like going back.

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