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Li Qingzhao: Often Recall Stream Pavilion Sunsets

Often Recall Stream Pavilion Sunsets

如 梦 令
常 记 溪 亭 日 暮
沉 醉 不 知 归 路。
兴 尽 晚 回 舟
误 人 藕 花 深 处。
争 渡,争 渡
惊 起 一 滩 鸥 鹭。
Ru Meng Ling

Chang ji xi ting ri mu
Chen zui bu zhi gui lu.

Xing jin wan hui zhou
Wu ren ou hua shen chu.

Zheng du, zheng du
Jing qi yi tan ou lu.


Often Recall Small Stream Pavilion Sunsets:
(Ru Meng Ling: Like an Excellent Dream)

Often recall small stream pavilion sunsets
Deeply intoxicated, do not know the way back.

Arise in time to catch the evening return boat
Mistake entering deep into the lotus flowers.

We argue and contend, reaching for the blossoms
One egret on the shoal arises with a start.



Ci poems have the title of the melody used to sing it.
For this and other poems like it, the title comes from the first line in the poem. In parentheses is the melody.

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