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Li Qingzhao: Dawn Dreams

Dawn Dreams

晓 梦
晓 梦 随 疏 钟
飘 然 蹑 云 霞。
因 缘 安 琪 生
邂 逅 萼 娽 华。
秋 风 正 无 赖
吹 尽 玉 井 花。
共 看 藕 如 船
同 食 枣 如 瓜。
翩 翩 坐 上 客
意 妙 语 亦 佳。
嘲 辞 斗 诡 辩
活 火 分 新 茶。
虽 非 助 帝 功
其 乐 莫 可 涯。
人 生 能 如 此
何 必 归 故 家?
起 来 敛 衣 坐
掩 耳 厌 喧 哗。
心 知 不 可 见
念 念 犹 咨 嗟。


Xiao Meng

Xiao meng sui shu xia
Piao ran nie yun xia.
Yin yuan an qi sheng
Xie hou e lu hua.

Qiu feng zheng wu lai
Chui jin yu jing hua.
Gong kan ou ru chuan
Tong shi zao ru gua.

Pian pian zuo shang ke
Yi miao yu yi jia.
Chao ci dou gui bian
Huo huo fen xin cha.

Sui fei zhu di gong
Qi le mo ke ya.
Ren sheng neng ru ci
He bi gui gu jia?

Qi lai lian yi zuo
Yan er yan xuan hua.
Xin zhi bu ke jian
Nian nian you zi jie.

Dawn Dreams

Dawn dreams in the sync with scattered bell sounds
Floating in the air, rosy clouds glow and lighten.
Predestined to meet An Qisheng
By chance meet the immortal E Luhua.

Autumn wind blows straight and compulsively
Across a pond, many lotus blossoms.
Altogether see the lotus gathered like a boat
Eating jujubes as big as melons.

Very graceful and elegant the visitors sit around
Talk to each other with brilliant, excellent words.
When they argue and quibble it is still calm
Make fresh tea right at their tables.

Although they don’t have to support an emperor with their skills
Everyone’s happiness has no limits.
If human experience was like this
Why wouldn’t we all go back home?

Awake and arise, collect clothes and sit up
Plug my ears, sick of the outside noise and din.
Heart-mind knows I cannot see him
Sigh, I know the difference between what is real, and what is not.



An Qisheng: Legendary old man from the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 AD), famous for his herbal medicines and shamanic powers.  Li Qingzhao imagines herself flying up into the sky to meet him.

E Luhua: Mythological female immortal who at one time was at least 900 years old.

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