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Li Bai: Taking a Boat By Jingmen

Taking a Boat By Jingmen

渡 荆 门 送 别
渡 远 荆 门 外
来 从 楚 国 游。
山 随 平 野 尽
江 入 大 荒 流。
月 下 飞 天 镜
云 生 结 海 楼。
仍 怜 故 乡 水
Du Jing Men Song Bie

Du yuan jing men wai
Lai cong chu guo you.
Shan sui ping ye jin
Jiang ru da huang liu.

Yue xia fei tian jing
Yun sheng jie hai lou.
Reng lian gu xiang shui
Wan li song xing zhou.


Taking a Boat Via Jingmen Into Hubei

Pass by remote Jingmen to get outside
Arrive and travel through the nation of Chu.
Mountains flatten out into level, open country without limits
Rivers large, wild and freely flow.

Moon flying across a mirrored sky
Clouds grow to produce an ocean tower.
Remaining sympathy for hometown river water
That sends off the traveler’s boat for three thousand miles.



Jingmen: A city in central Hubei Province.

Chu nation:  Nation state ca. 1030 BC-223 BC during the Zhou Dynasty. Encompassed Hubei and Hunan Provinces, as well as parts of several others.

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