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Li Bai: Send Off Friends

Send Off Friends


送 友 人
青 山 横 北 郭
白 水 绕 东 城。
此 地 一 为 别
孤 蓬 万 里 征。
浮 云 游 子 意
落 日 故 人 情。
挥 手 自 兹 去
萧 萧 班 马 鸣。
Song You Ren

Qing shan heng bei guo
Bai shui rao dong cheng
Ci di yi wei bie
Gu peng wan li zheng

Fu yun you zi yi
Luo ri gu ren qing
Hui shou zi zi qu
Xiao xiao ban ma ming.

Send Off Friends

Green mountains from east to west outside the northern city wall
Clear river flows around the eastern wall.
We make our departures at this place
Solitary tumbleweeds and grass seeds make a three thousand mile journey.

Wanderers expect to be floating clouds
At sunset we have old friend emotions.
Wave our hands until we meet again
Our horses make sounds like the rustling winds.

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