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Li Bai: Late Autumn in Jingwen

Late Autumn in Jingwen

秋 下 荆 门
霜 落 荆 门 江 树 空
布 帆 无 恙 挂 秋 风。
此 行 不 为 鲈 鱼 鲙
自 爱 名 山 入 剡 中。
Qiu Xia Jing Men

Shuang luo jing men jiang shu kong
Bu fan wu yang gua qiu feng.                                                                                                  Ci xing bu wei lu yu kuai
Zi ai ming shan ru yan zhong.

Late Autumn in Jingmen

Frost has descended on the empty river trees in Jingmen
Cloth sails deployed without ill effect to catch the autumn winds.

This journey not for the purpose of having river perch and herring
Naturally love to visit the famous mountain peaks and their inhabitants.



Jingmen River: Located in Hubei Province.

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