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Han Yu: Pond-Like Pots

Pond-Like Pots

盆 池
莫 道 盆 池 作 不 成
藕 梢 初 种 已 齐 生。
从 今 有 雨 君 须 记
来 听 萧 萧 打 叶 声。
池 关 天 影 共 青 青
拍 岸 才 添 水 数 瓶。
且 待 夜 深 明 月 去
试 看 涵 泳 几 多 星。
Pen Chi


Mo dao pen chi zuo bu cheng
Ou shao chu zhong yi qi sheng.
Cong jin you yu jun xu ji
Lai ting xiao xiao da ye sheng.


Chi guan tian ying gong qing qing
Pai an cai tian shui shu ping.
Qie dai ye shen ming yue qu
Shi kan han yong ji duo xing.


Pond-Like Pots


Along the paths, do not say these pond-like pots cannot be developed
Lotus root tips come to seed and then expand into life.
After today, when it rains we should remember to gather and enjoy
Come and listen to the rustling wind and raindrop sounds as they hit the leaves.


Bright sky reflections on the pots share deep blues and greens
Count the water jars that help to provide these sounds along the riverside.
For now, await for the deep evening moonlight to return
Try to see if there are many stars swimming in my pot.

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