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Exemplarious translation of 春秋chunqiu 3

Zuo’s Tradition 1.3:
Summer, 4th month; the Count of Fei, a vassal of Lu, fortified the city of Lang with some troops. This event it not recorded in the Annals because it was he was not charged by the Duke.

Spring and Autumn Annals 1.3:
Summer, 5th month; the Count of Zheng (Duke Zhuang of Zheng 郑庄公) killed his younger brother Gongshu Duan 共叔段 at Yan.
(Zuo’s Tradition 1.4 gives a lengthy account of the background of this entry.)

Spring and Autumn Annals 1.4:
Autumn, 7th month, the Heavenly King of Zhou sent Chancellor Xuan to the court of Lu to present carriages and horses as burial offerings for the interment of late Duke Hui and Zhongzi, the mother of future Duke Huan (the Guliang Commentary falsely writes: mother of Duke Hui and second wife of Duke Xiao 孝公).
(Zuo’s Tradition 1.5 explains some matters of mourning ritual.)

Zuo’s Tradition 1.6:
8th month; the people of Ji attacked the southern Yi barbarians. This event is not recorded in the Annals because the Yi did not make an official war declaration. The locust plague during this month is not recorded too, because it is not considered as a calamity. During the last reign year of late Duke Hui, we defeated the army of Song at Huangtu. After the enthronement of Duke Yin, we drew our attention to a peaceful relationship with Song.
In the 9th month, therefore, the Duke hastened together with the people of Song to form a coalition at Su. This was the begin of a friendly approach between Lu and Song.

经:九月.及宋人盟于宿 .
Spring and Autumn Annals 1.5:
9th month, some officials of Lu hastened together with the people of Song to form a coalition at Su.

Zuo’s Tradition 1.7:
Winter, 10th month, day gengshen; the Duke did not attend the deferred burial of Duke Hui. This is also the reason why this event is not recorded in the Annals. During the original burial date, we had war with Song, and the Prince was still young, why the burial rites could not be performet correctly, and were deferred.

Zuo’s Tradition 1.8:
The Marquis of Wei came to attend the burial of late Duke Hui. This event is not recorded in the Annals because the Marquis had no audience with Duke Yin.
(Zuo’s Tradition 1.9 gives a short account about the war in Zheng.)

Zuo’s Tradition 1.10.:
The Southern Gate was newly erected. This event is not recorded in the Annals because it did not follow an offical command of the Duke.

Spring and Autumn Annals 1.6:
Winter, 12th month, the Count of Cai came to the court of Lu.

Zuo’s Tradition 1.11.:
12th month; the Count of Cai came to the court of Lu without having received an official command by the King.

Spring and Autumn Annals 1.7:
The Duke’s son, Yishi, died.

Zuo’s Tradition 1.12.:
Zhongfu died. The day is not recorded because the Duke did not dress up his head in preparation for the funeral service.

Gongyang’s Commentary 1.7:
The Duke’s son, Yishi, died. Why is the day not recorded? Because he was far away from home. Different people see different things, different people hear different things, and different people report different things.

Guliang’s Commentary 1.7:
The Duke’s son, Yishi, died. It is normal to record the day of an aristocrat’s dead. The missing of the day in the Annals expresses the faults of Yishi.

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