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Du Mu: Southern Tower at Kai Yuan Temple in Xuanzhou

Southern Tower at Kai Yuan Temple in Xuanzhou

宣 州 开 元 寺 南 楼
小 楼 才 受 一 床 横
终 日 看 山 酒 满 倾。
可 惜 和 风 衣 来 雨
醉 中 虚 度 打 窗 声。
Xuan Zhou Kai Yuan Si Nan Lou

Xiao lou cai shou yi chuang heng
Zhong ri kan shan jiu man qing.                                                                                              Ke xi he feng ye lai yu
Zui zhong xu du da chuang sheng.


Southern Tower at the Kai Yuan Temple in Xuanzhou

Tower so small, only one bed can be put inside sideways
Setting sun, full cups of wine and the slanting mountains.

Unfortunately the evening arrives with wind and rain
Middle of drunkenness, spend time listening to their sounds beating
on the windows.

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