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Lu Yu: Pass By the Three Peaks of Mt. Lingshi


Simplified Chinese

过 灵 石 三 峰
奇 峰 迎 马 骇 衰 翁
蜀 岭 吴 山 一 洗 空。
拔 地 青 苍 五 千 仞
劳 渠 蟠 屈 小 诗 中。

Simplified Chinese


Chinese Pinyin

Guo Ling Shi San Feng
Qi feng ying ma hai shuai weng
Shu ling wu shan yi xi kong.
Ba di qing cang wu qian ren
Lao qu pan qu xiao shi zhong.

English translation

Pass By the Three Peaks of Mt. Lingshi
Extraordinary peaks from my horse, this declining old man frightened
After the Shu mountain range and Wu mountains, everything clean and empty.
Mt. Lingshi arises from the valley floor, bluish-green five thousand meters straight up
Peaks coiled and bent like the middle of a small poem.



Mt. Lingshi: Located around the city of Fuqing, Fujian Province. Now a national park.



Have to admit I had to read that last line several times.  What a remarkable and unique metaphor.

Lu Yu: Heart-Mind Enjoys a Climb Into a Pavilion


Heart-Mind Enjoys a Climb Into a Pavilion

登 赏 心 亭
蜀 栈 秦 关 岁 月 遒
今 年 乘 兴 却 东 游。
全 家 稳 下 黄 牛 峡
半 醉 来 寻 白 鹭 洲。
黯 黯 江 云 瓜 步 雨
萧 萧 木 叶 石 城 秋。
孤 臣 老 抱 忧 时 意
欲 请 迁 都 涕 已 流。
Deng Shang Xin Ting

Shu zhan qin guan sui yue qiu
Jin nian cheng xing que dong you.
Quan jia wen xia huang niu xia
Ban zui lai xun bai lu zhou.

An an jiang yun gua bu yu
Xiao xiao mu ye shi cheng qiu.
Gu chen lao bao you shi yi
Yu qing qian dou ti yi liu.


Heart-Mind Enjoys a Climb Into a Pavilion

Shu wooden walkway and a Qin mountain pass, powerful sentiments throughout the months and years
While in high spirits this year, I traveled to the east.
Entire households pass safely through the Huangniu gorge
Arrive half drunk, I look for the white egrets on the river islets.

Very dim and obscure river clouds, rain in Guabu
Autumn rustling winds, tree leaves against rock strong city walls.
This solitary official very worried about the future of our country.
We scramble to relocate our capital, many tears already flowed.



Shu walkway and a Qin mountain pass: Also known as the Hangu Pass in the province of Shaanxi. It separates the Yellow River and the Wei River valleys. A strategically important military location, and thus a site of many ancient battles.

Huangniu gorge: Located along the Changjiang (Yangzi River).

Guabu: Area of Jiangsu Province.

Lu Yu: Sixth Lunar Month, Fourteenth Day, Stay Overnight at the Donglin Temple


Sixth Lunar Month, Fourteenth Day, Stay Overnight at the Donglin Temple

六 月 十 四 日 宿 东 林 寺


Liu Yue Shi Si Ri Su Dong Lin Si

Kan jin jiang hu qian wan feng
Bu xian yun meng jie wu xiong.
Xi zhao xi sai shan qian yue
Lai ting dong lin si li zhong.

Yuan ke qi zhi jin zai dao?
Lao seng you ji xi xiang feng.
Xu chuang shou shui shei jing jue
Ye dui wu ren ye zi chun.


Sixth Lunar Month, Fourteenth Day, Stay Overnight at the Donglin Temple

Have seen most of the country’s rivers and lakes, as well as thousands of mountain peaks
Do not mind the Yumeng wetland grasses touching my chest.
Attracted to the drama of Mt. Xisai in front of the moon
Arrived to hear the inside bells of Donglin Temple.

Did not this secluded visitor realize he would arrive today?
The old Buddhist monks recall when we met each other in the past.
Slept soundly with open windows, no risk of being awoken
Open country grain mill, even in the evening they pound rice without concerns.



[Lu Yu traveled back to the capital Chang’an and passed by the Donglin Temple just he did eight years previously going the other direction.]

Donglin Temple:  The “Eastern Forest” temple is located at the base of Mt. Lu in the province Jiangxi. A Buddhist monastery associated with the Pure Land sect.

Mt. Xisai:  Gateway to the middle and lower sections of the Changjiang (Yangzi River).  As a strategic defensive position, a site of many battles, as well as a scenic source of many ancient poems.

Lu Yu: Remember Early in Life Du Fu Lived Here at the Longxing Temple


Remember Early in Life Du Fu Lived Here at the Longxing Temple

龙 兴 寺 吊 少 陵 先 生 寓 居
中 原 草 草 失 承 平
戌 火 胡 尘 到 两 京。
扈 跸 老 臣 身 万 里
天 寒 来 此 听 江 声!
Long Xing Si Diao Shao Ling Xian Sheng Yu Ju

Zhong yuan cao cao shi cheng ping
Xu huo hu chen dao liang jing.                                                                                                

Hu bi lao chen shen wan li
Tian han lai ci ting jiang sheng!


Remember Early in Life Du Fu Lived Here at the Longxing Temple

The Central Plains have carelessly lost its balance
Midnight nomad beacon fires, their dust arrives inside both capitals.

For three thousand miles Du Fu followed the elder officials and the emperor’s entourage
Cold skies arrive, we have listened to the same river sounds!



Located in the city of Chongqing, Sichuan Province, the Longxing Temple was visited by Du Fu, where he stayed on for two months around May 765 AD.]

Lu Yu: Li Chang Shows Me His Reply Inside Our Linked Poetic Letters


Li Chang Shows Me His Reply Inside Our Linked Poetic Letters

次 韵 季 长 见 示
倚 遍 南 楼 十 二 栏
长 歌 相 属 寓 悲 欢。
空 怀 铁 马 横 戈 意
未 试 冰 河 堕 指 寒。
成 败 极 知 无 定 势
是 非 元 自 要 徐 观。
中 原 阻 绝 王 师 老
那 敢 山 林 一 枕 安?
Ci Yun Ji Chang Jian Shi

Yi bian nan lou shi er lan
Chang ge xiang shu yu bei huan.
Kong huai tie ma heng ge yi
Wei shi bing he duo zhi han.

Cheng bai ji zhi wu ding shi
Shi fei yuan zi yao xu guan.
Zhong yuan zu jue wang shi lao
Na gan shan lin yi zhen an?


Li Chang Shows Me His Reply Inside Our Linked Poetic Letters

Everywhere near our last meeting, the towers had twelve balconies
Let us put our passions into the long sections of this chained verse.
Expect and still fixated on army horses and battleaxes going to the west
We have yet to sink our frozen fingers into the icy rivers.

Without a calm power, do not know if campaigns produce victory or defeat
Is it not basic and natural to first and slowly watch the battles unfold.
The Central Plains still cut off, imperial armies exhausted
Inside mountains and forests, could you really leave the comfort of your pillow?



[Written in December 1177 AD, Lu Yu had an appointment to a small job. He and his friend, Li Chang, wrote this linked poem along the way to begin this work.]

Lu Yu: Expecting Leisure


Expecting Leisure

闲 意
柴 门 虽 设 不 曾 开
为 怕 行 人 损 绿 苔。
妍 日 渐 催 春 意 动
好 风 时 卷 市 声 来。
学 经 妻 问 生 疏 字
尝 酒 儿 斟 潋 滟 杯。
安 得 小 园 宽 半 亩
黄 梅 绿 李 一 时 栽?
Xian Yi

Chai men sui she bu ceng kai
Wei pa xing ren sun lu tai.
Yan ri jian cui chun yi dong
Hao feng shi juan shi sheng lai.

Xue jing qi wen sheng shu zi
Chang jiu er zhen lian yan bei.
An de xiao yuan kuan ban mu
Huang mei lu li yi shi zai?


Expecting Leisure

Although my door is made from firewood, not once have I had to open it
Afraid the travelers will destroy my patches of green moss.
Beautiful days hasten the onset of spring
Season for fine winds to swirl the market sounds towards me.

Study old books, wife and children need my help to explain the characters
My youngsters pour the wine to overflowing, cup after cup.
Given the peace and contentment of a small garden on a comfortable half mu
Could I plant yellow plum and green pear trees in one season?



[Written in November 1177 AD, Lu talks about his wife. She (1127-1197) was born, raised and met Lu in Sichuan Province.]

Green moss: Often used as code words for seclusion and serenity.

Mu: Area of land of about 1/6 of an acre.

Lu Yu: Late Autumn, Climb the City Walls Near the Northern Gate


Late Autumn, Climb the City Walls Near the Northern Gate

秋 晚 瞪 城 北 门
幅 巾 藜 杖 北 城 头
卷 地 西 风 满 眼 愁。
一 点 烽 传 散 关 信
两 行 雁 带 杜 陵 秋。
山 河 兴 废 供 搔 首
身 世 安 危 入 倚 楼。
横 槊 赋 非 复 昔
梦 魂 犹 绕 古 梁 州。
Qiu Wan Deng Cheng Bei Men

Fu jin li zhang cheng tou
Juan di xi feng man yan chou.
Yi dian feng chuan shu guan xin
Liang hang yan dai du ling qiu.

Shan he xing fei gong sao shou
Shen shi an wei ru yi lou.
Heng shuo fu fei fu xi
Meng hun you rao gu liang zhou.


Late Autumn, Climb the City Walls Near the Northern Gate

Wearing a wide lamb’s quarters head wrap, carry a cane atop the northern city wall
Western winds swirl along the land, eyes filled with melancholy everywhere.
Mountain pass stronghold, messages passed on from small beacon fires
Autumn in a Duling cemetery, two rows of wild geese overhead.

Our mountains and rivers abandoned like the scratched hairs on my head
Perhaps my destiny to enter these ramparts to calm my fears of danger.
Like Su Dongpo, long ancient spear will not again achieve past abilities
Spirit dreams emerge and disappear around ancient Liangzhou.



[Written in September 1177 AD, Lu is still in Chengdu. By now he had been in Sichuan Province for over eight years.]

Duling: Area outside of the capital city of Chang’an.

Su Dongpo:  Famous Song Dynasty poet. His poem and biographical information can also be found on this website.

Liangzhou: City located near the capital city of Chang’an, in western Shaanxi Province.

Lu Yu: Thinking of Mt. Gu


Thinking of Mt. Gu

思 故 山
千 金 不 须 买 画 图
听 我 长 歌 歌 镜 湖。
湖 山 奇 丽 说 不 尽
且 复 为 子 陈 吾 庐。
柳 姑 庙 前 鱼 作 市
道 士 庄 畔 菱 为 租。
一 弯 画 桥 出 林 薄
两 岸 红 蓼 连 菰 蒲。
陂 南 陂 北 鸦 阵 黑
舍 西 舍 东 枫 叶 赤。
正 当 九 月 十 月 时
放 翁 艇 子 无 时 出。
船 头 一 束 书
船 后 一 壶 酒。
新 钓 紫 鳜 鱼
旋 洗 白 莲 藕。
从 渠 贵 人 食 万 钱
放 翁 痴 腹 常 便 便。
暮 归 稚 子 迎 我 笑
遥 指 一 抹 西 村 烟。


Si Gu Shan

Qian jin bu xu mai hua tu
Ting wo chang ge ge jing hu.
Hu shan qi li shui bu jin
Qie fu wei zi chen wu lu.

Liu gu miao qian yu zuo shi
Dao shi zhuang pan ling wei zu.
Yi wan hua qiao chu lin bo
Liang an hong liao lian gu pu.

Po nan po bei ya zhen hei
She xi she dong feng ye chi.
Zheng dang jiu yue shi yue shi
Fang wen ting zi wu shi chu.

Chuan tou yi shu shu
Chuan hou yi hu jiu.
Xin diao zi gui yu
Xuan xi bai lian ou.

Cong qu gui ren shi wan qian
Fang wen chi fu chang bian bian.
Mu gui zhi zi ying wo xiao
Yao zhi yi mo xi cun yan.


Thinking of Mt. Gu

One thousand in gold not enough to buy the regional paintings and drawings
Hear my long songs from Jing lake.
Cannot convince others how beautiful are the lakes and mountains
From now on to the end, they put on displays from my hut.

Willow trees in front of a nunnery, fish show up in the markets
Let others pick the water caltrop that border the Daoist scholar’s village.
Picturesque crooked bridge comes out from a thin forest
Both riverbanks have red knotgrass mingled with wild rice and cattails.

North hills, southern hills home for battle formations of black ducks
Houses west, houses to the east, bright red maple leaves.
Just the time for the ninth and tenth month season
This free old man can go out in his light skiff anytime he wants.

Boat’s bow with a bundle of bound books
Boat’s stern with one pot of wine.
Start fishing for the local zigui fish
Soon clean up the white lotus roots.

The palace nobility would need ten thousand in cash to pay for a meal like this
This free old man constantly full of a turbulent stomach.
Return at sunset, much laughter when meeting the children
They point into the distance at me when the mists come into the western part of the village.



Zigui fish:  Fish native to the sections of the Changjiang (Yangzi River) in western Hubei Province.

Lu Yu: Climb the Nixian Terrace


Climb the Nixian Terrace

登 拟 岘 台
层 台 缥 缈 压 城 垔
倚 仗 来 观 浩 荡 春。
放 尽 樽 前 千 里 目
洗 空 衣 上 十 年 尘。
萦 回 水 抱 中 和 气
平 远 山 如 酝 藉 人。
更 喜 机 心 无 复 在
沙 边 鸥 鹭 亦 相 亲。
Deng Ni Xian Tai

Ceng tai piao miao ya cheng yin
Yi zhang lai guan hao dang chun.
Fang jin zun qian qian li mu
Xi kong yi shang shi nian chen.

Ying hui shui bao zhong he qi
Ping yuan shan ru yun ji ren.
Geng xi ji xi wu fu zai
Sha bian ou lu yi xiang qin.


Climb the Nixian Terrace

Overlapping terraces misty and elusive upon the city wall gate tower
Leaning on a cane, I arrive to take in the expansive spring scenery.
Let go of the wine vessels, see things with a massive clarity
Clean totally the ten years of dust from my clothes.

Twisted water in circles, I now cherish core harmony and courtesy
Peaceful distant mountains like my new relationships with people.
Happy to exist within the joys of heart-mind without the deceptions of conniving
Then seagulls and egrets on the sandy riverbank will treat you like kin.



Yin: The last Chinese character for line one is so ancient that it cannot be brought up from the Microsoft software I use. Instead, I inserted the closest proximity. Think of the character used above placed inside the men (门) character, which means gate, and the we may have the original.

Seventh line refers to a story credited to Zhuangzi. One man was often followed by many birds. Another man asks him to walk by his house so he too can enjoy their company. The next day, the birds do not follow this first man over to the other’s house because they sense his conniving plans.

Lu Yu: Encounter a Big Snow On the Road to Yi Yang


Encounter a Big Snow On the Road to Yi Yang

弋 阳 道 中 遇 大 雪
我 行 江 郊 暮 犹 进
大 雪 塞 空 迷 远 近。
壮 哉 组 练 从 天 来
人 间 有 此 堂 堂 阵?
少 年 颇 爱 军 中 乐
跌 宕 不 耐 微 官 缚。
凭 鞍 寓 目 一 怅 然
思 为 君 王 扫 河 洛。
夜 听 簌 簌 窗 纸 鸣
恰 似 铁 马 相 摩 声。
起 倾 斗 酒 歌 出 塞
弹 压 胸 中 十 万 兵。
Yi Yang Dao Zhong Yu Da Xue

Wo xing jiang jiao mu you jin
Da xue sai kong mi yuan jin.
Zhuang zai zu lian cong tian lai
Ren jian you ci tang tang zhen?

Shao nian po ai jun zhong le
Die dang bu nai wei guan fu.
Ping an yu mu yi chang ran
Si wei jun wang sao he luo.

Ye ting su su chuang zhi ming
Qia si tie ma xiang mo sheng.
Qi qing dou jiu ge chu sai
Dan ya xiong zhong shi wan bing.


Encounter a Big Snow On the Road to Yi Yang

Outskirts around the Xing River at sunset darken
Large snowstorm covers the border regions far and wide.
Wow! Storm moves on from the sky like troops on maneuvers
Is the snow real, or are people moving in masses from heaven?

In my younger years, I was partial to, and cherished my military displays
Too free and easy, cannot endure the bonds of petty officials.
Relied on horse saddles, saw sorrows and disappointments.
Think of the emperor by the quick-moving Luoyang River.

Evenings spent listen to the rustling sounds of paper windows
Makes me imagine the grinding sounds of armored and mailed horses.
Arise, I down ten liters of wine, sing songs of defending our northern border strongholds
Try to suppress the one hundred thousand soldiers in my heart.



Yi Yang: City located in Jiangsu Province.

Xing River: Tributary to the Changjiang (Yangzi River) in Hunan Province.

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