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Chinese Classics 第16页

Goddess of the Moon 嫦娥


Chánɡ E 嫦 娥 Biān Gǒng (Míng ) 边汞(明) Yuè ɡōnɡ qiū lěnɡ ɡuì tuán tuán, suì suì huā kāi zhǐ zì pān. 月 宫 秋 冷 桂 团 团 , 岁 岁 花 开...

A Quatrain 绝句


Jué Jù 绝句 Dù Fǔ(Táng ) 杜甫(唐) Liǎng gè huáng lí míng cuì liǔ, yì háng bái lù shàng qīng tiān. 两 个 黄 鹂 鸣 翠柳,一行 白 鹭 上 青 天。 ...

Chang Ge Xing 长歌行


Cháng Gē Xíng 长歌行 yuèfǔ míngē (Hàn ) 乐府民歌(汉) Qīng qīng yuán zhōng kuí, zhāo lù dài rì xī. 青 青 园 中 葵, 朝 露 待 日 晞。 Yáng chū...

Xiang Ma Jing 相马经


The earliest book on science of animal husbandry in China elaborating the way to tell good horses from the inferior ones...

Qiming Yaoshu 齐民要术


Qimin Yaoshu(《齐民要术》qímín yàoshù) was written at the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty (533-534) by Jia Sixie(贾思勰 Jiǎ Sīxié...

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