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Bai Juyi: What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 1

What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 1

池 上 寓 兴: 二 绝
濠 梁 庄 惠 谩 相 争
未 必 人 情 知 物 情。
獭 捕 鱼 来 鱼 跃 出
此 非 鱼 乐 是 鱼 惊。
Chi Shang Yu Xing: Er Jue

Hao liang zhuang hui man xiang zheng
Wei bi ren qing zhi wu qing.
Ta bu yu lai yu yue chu
Ci fei yu le shi yu jing.


What Lives and Flourishes Upon This Pond: Two Four-Line Poems: No. 1


At the Hao River bridge, Zhuangzi and Huizi had their dispute
Maybe human emotions were not understood deeply enough.
Otter corners a fish, it leaps up and away
This fish not jumping for joy, but is scared and alarmed.



This is a famous story of two men having an exchange. Zhuangzi begins by saying to his friend that these swimming fish in front of them, go back and forth in leisure and happiness. Huizi asks him how does he know this, you are not a fish. Zhuangzi replies with, “How do you know me? Maybe I know and understand these fish very well. Huizi responds with, “I am not you, but I do know that you are not a fish.” Zhuangzi’s last retort is, “I follow what is basic and fundamental. You do not know what I know. I grew up here with these fish, and I know my fish.”

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