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Bai Juyi: Precious Tree Peonies: Two Poems

Precious Tree Peony Flowers: Two Poems

惜 牡 丹 花:二 首
惆 怅 忦 前 红 牡 丹
晚 来 唯 有 两 枝 残。
明 朝 风 起 应 吹 尽
夜 惜 衰 红 把 火 看。
Xi Mu Dan Hua: Er Shou

Chou chang jia qian hong mu dan
Wan lai wei you liang zhi can.                                                                                          Ming zhao feng qi ying chui jin
Ye xi shuai hong ba huo kan.

Precious Tree Peony Flowers: Two Poems

Melancholy feeling, red peonies in front of the steps
This late in the year only two remain on old and withered branches.

Tomorrow at dawn, the new winds should blow away
the finished and exhausted
So now I should hold the lantern high to see these precious, wilting red flowers.

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