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Bai Juyi: Opposite the Wine on New Year’s Eve

Opposite the Wine on New Year’s Eve

岁 除 夜 对 酒
衰 翁 岁 除 夜
对 酒 思 悠 然。
草 白 经 霜 地
云 黄 欲 雪 天。
醉 依 香 枕 坐
慵 傍 暖 炉 眠。
洛 下 闲 来 久
明 朝 是 十 年。
Sui Chu Ye Dui Jiu

Shuai weng sui chu ye
Dui jiu si you ran.
Cao bai jing shuang di
Yun huang yu xue tian.

Zui yi xiang zhen zuo
Yong bang nuan lu mian.
Luo xia xian lai jiu
Ming zhao shi shi nian.


Opposite the Wine on New Year’s Eve

Declining old man, the evenings and years slip away
Opposite the wine, think of the easy and carefree.
Grasses endure under the white frost
Yellowed-clouds expect a snowy sky.

Drunk again, sitting on fragrant pillows
Cuddled up to the warmth of a close stove to sleep.
For a long time do very little here in Luoyang
The brightness of dawn praises for my ten years here.


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