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Bai Juyi: Need Mengde to Buy Wine, Leisurely Drink and Await Later Engagements

Need Mengde to Buy Wine, Leisurely Drink and Await Later Engagements

与 梦 得 沽 酒 闲 饮 且 约 后 期
少 时 犹 不 忧 生 计
老 后 谁 能 惜 酒 钱?
共 把 十 千 沽 一 斗
相 看 七 十 欠 三 年。
闲 征 雅 令 穷 经 史
醉 听 清 吟 胜 管 弦。
更 待 菊 黄 家 酝 熟
共 君 一 醉 一 陶 然。
Yu Meng De Gu Jiu Xian Yin Qie Yao Hou Qi

Shao shi you bu you sheng ji
Lao hou shei neng xi jiu qian?
Gang ba shi qian gu yi dou
Xiang kan qi shi qian san nian.

Xian zheng ya ling qiong jing shi
Zui ting qing yin sheng guan xian.
Geng dai ju huang jia yun shu
Gong jun yi zui yi tao ran.


Need Mengde to Buy Wine, Leisurely Drink and Await Later Engagements

After times of youth, we still do not worry about our future
All this time, who is able to still value wine more that money?
Pool together a few thousand to buy one decaliter of wine
Looking at each other, in three years we will all be seventy.

This leisure requires a certain elegance to get to the bottom of spiritual history and truth
Drunk we can hear clearly the chanting that is better than wind and string melodies.
Even better to drink my homemade yellow chrysanthemum wine
Altogether we get drunk for happiness and freedom.

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