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Bai Juyi: Li Bai’s Grave

Li Bai’s Grave

李 白 墓
采 石 江 边 李 白 坟
绕 田 无 限 草 连 云。
可 怜 荒 陇 穷 泉 骨
曾 有 惊 天 动 地 文。
但 是 诗 人 多 薄 命
就 中 沦 落 不 过 君。
Li Bai Mu

Cai shi jiang bian li bai fen
Rao tian wu xian cao lian yun.                                                                                               Ke lian huang long qiong quan gu
Ceng you jing tian dong di wen.                                                                                         Dan shi shi ren duo bo ming
Jiu zhong lun luo bu guao jun.

Li Bai’s Grave

Li Bai’s grave next to Cai Shi on the Changjiang
Encircled by limitless fields and grass, connected to the clouds.

Pitiful, your bones buried within these desolate rows
At one time, heaven startled by the rituals of moving the earth.

Yet many poets have unkind destinies and life spans
Getting to the crux of things, you are not the only one who
has become homeless.



Changjiang: Also known as the Yangzi River

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