Song Ci: to the tune "Spring in the Han palace"辛弃疾:汉宫春
辛弃疾:汉宫春 Xin Qiji (1140-1207): to the tune “Spring in the Han palace” 春已归来,看美人头上,袅袅春幡。 Spring is back,...
辛弃疾:汉宫春 Xin Qiji (1140-1207): to the tune “Spring in the Han palace” 春已归来,看美人头上,袅袅春幡。 Spring is back,...
贺铸:蝶恋花 He Zhu (1052-1125): to the tune “Butterflies kiss flowers” 几许伤春春复暮,杨柳清阴,偏碍游丝度。 What should hur...
周邦彦:满庭芳 Zhou Bangyan (1056-1121): to the tune “Fragrance filling the hall” 风老莺雏,雨肥梅子,午阳嘉树清圆。 Wind rai...
The Chinese literary type of Chuci 楚辞 “Poetry of Chu” or “Poetry of the South” is a sort of poem...
舒亶:虞美人 Shu Tan (1041-1103): to the tune “Lady Yu” 芙蓉落尽天涵水,日暮沧波起。 Falling lotus flowers disturb the He...
The category of belles-lettres (jibu 集部) is the last of the four traditional categories (sibu 四部) into which Chinese lit...
苏轼:江城子 Su Shi (1037-1101) to the tune “Rivertown man” 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。 The year yimao, 1st month, 20t...
The category of “masters and philosophers” (zibu 子部) is the third of the four traditional categories (sibu 四...
传:夏四月.费伯帅师城郎.不书.非公命也. Zuo’s Tradition 1.3: Summer, 4th month; the Count of Fei, a vassal of Lu, fortified the city...
经:三月.公及邾仪父盟于蔑. Spring and Autumn Annals 1.2: 3rd month; the Duke hastened together with Yifu from (the small state of) Z...